Sunday, January 31, 2010


We have not had much snow this winter so as soon as it began to fall Emily was out the door and ready for some fun.
Here is the world's smallest snowman. Emily made this cute little guy while she waited for the rest of us to "hurry up and get outside!"

She made a bunch of snowballs and hid out in a tree so she could bomb the rest of us when we came out! She looks so sweet and innocent but WATCH OUT!

Midnight and Cupcake were trying to help build the snowman...not really much help. They mostly wanted to eat the snow and lick Emily.

Jenny finally made it outside and when she did she was ready to create. First snow angels then snow horses, and after Cody arrived they moved on to a horse pulling a chariot.

Just looking at these little guys made me cold and grateful for a lovely home to keep me warm.

Emily is having a "ball" HA! HA!

Yummy! A Jennysicle!

Our snowman. I especially like the top hat and the snowball in his hand.

Cody keeps his neck warm thanks to Cocoa. Hummm...speaking of cocoa. See ya later!

Friday, January 29, 2010


This year Jenny does an hour and 1/2 of ballet followed by an hour of jazz. I loved watching her transition between these very different styles of dance. She can be so exact in ballet and so free flowing in jazz...very Jenny this combination of precise whackiness!